How much is too much?

I’m very blessed that my partner is a talented graphic artist and web designer slash builder.  I’m even luckier that however busy Mark is, when I need a website or page, he loyally puts me at the top of his massive To Do list.  For this, and for so many other daily acts of kindness, I am truly grateful.

So, this week, I am pleased to unveil a new website, devoted exclusively to Seeking Eden, my debut novel on Urbane Publications.  Needless to say, I’m very excited about the book – and who can blame me?  It’s my first.

But how much to share in advance?  Every book needs a blurb – and writing a good one is a skill set in itself – but what else might tempt people into reading a novel?

For me, one of the most important qualities in a book is finding characters that I can identify with.  I don’t have to like them; afterall, it would seem like a big ask for readers to buy into an alcoholic, unemployed, self-obsessed fantasist, yet Paula Hawkins’s ‘Rachel’ in The Girl on the Train, is exactly that.  Ah, but I do need to get them – and to have some insight into why they behave as they do.

So, mindful of creating an attractive shop window for my novel, I’ve included a short profile for my lead protagonists. Trying to distil Kate, Lisa, Ben and Martin into a couple of sentences proved to be quite a challenge…because they are flawed and complex, with messy lives that can get derailed.  Just like the rest of us then!

I may add further information to as the launch of the book draws closer.  Or I may not; because how much is too much?

Seeking Eden will publish on 6th July 2017 with Urbane Publications

2 responses to “How much is too much?”

  1. Gwen Moore says:

    Just finished Seeking Eden which I couldn’t put down as I enjoyed it so much. Hope your next one is on the way!

    • Hello Gwen, thank you, that’s very kind of you to say so. Which character did you like (or were interested in) the most? Thanks again for your feedback. Authors are always grateful of reviews – even better on Amazon of you’ve time. Beverley 🙂

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